• 199.99
Overall Rating 4.7   16
This machine is from another world. My mom uses it since she doesn’t speak English and it’s like so practical and it translates right away so easy. She is loving it.
 FAST!!!  FAST!!!
it’s been really helpful at work. Most of our shop guys speak Spanish, and this device makes it easy for me to communicate with them quickly and clearly. It supports 144 languages and accents, and the translations are really accurate—about 95%-ish of the time. I like that it gives me a translation in just a second, which saves a lot of time and keeps things moving smoothly at work.

I also like the price point. It's a bit cheaper than some of the other options I looked at, but it works just as well.

Overall, I’m happy with my purchase. If anything changes, I'll make sure to update this review.
I have several Hispanic families that live near me and I asked them if they would mind me testing this language translator with them. Most of them speak English as well, but a couple of grandmas live with the family and they are native speakers that do not understand English very well. This really did work well in translating both Spanish and English with the family members that understand both, but I wanted to see if "grandma" could understand the translation without help and yes! She was so surprised (as was I) but that's why this, even with such a small test, showed me how valuable this can be. I'm really impressed!
 I tested this with a few of my neighbors
Not only does this translator work well both online and offline, but it also has a few great features, chatgp, picture translator, and group conversation! Good investment
The most helpful part of this translator device is the ability to take pictures and translate information. I was skeptical but it works!! And it works well!! I have snapped pictures of old family recipes, websites, and even travel instructions that are all in German, and gotten very accurate translations. I then can speak a response or notes into the device and get a translation so I can communicate back with the websites.

Takes photos, translates and it fits in your pocket. So much for actually learning a new language! All I have to do is have have this little thing with me and I'm good. Ive used it at home with Spanish speaking friends and plan on taking it on my travelling.

My husband is German and we tested the German to English translation. It works well. The device is worth the money!

This two way voice language translator is one of the most unexpectedly awesome products I've used all year. First of all this device looks a lot like a cell phone, and that's good, which makes this so useful when out.
 Super small, very useful device  Super small, very useful device  Super small, very useful device  Super small, very useful device  Super small, very useful device
It can take photos of text and translate them. You can talk to it, it will translate and speak. You can type it, it translates. You can have one side of the translation face you and the other side face who you're talking to. Press red to translate your language to the other language, press blue to translate theirs to yours.

This thing has more features than I'm even able to figure out right now. They're all on screen. You can download entire languages for "offline" use. The translator connects to wifi to reach whatever database it accesses for information. It has a ChatGPT interface that I haven't really figured out yet, that's probably due to me having never used it before.

The screen is bright and easy to read. The touch screen works flawlessly.

I expected it to work well enough, but this translator is a level above anything I could have hoped for.

If you are going on a trip or trying to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your language, this thing will definitely help bridge the gaps.
Easy and fun to use. We have Spanish only speaking maintenance man in our apartment complex. The real-time translation feature is exceptional for this issue. The size of the unit is very convenient as it is lightweight and can easily be carried in a pocket, making it great for travel too. Still getting used to it and looking forward to learning all of its features.
 Great little translator  Great little translator  Great little translator
I like the fact that it has over 140 different languages and the exceptional quality when speaking to someone it’s very easily understood by the party you were speaking to
Bought this for my sons grandparents so they can communicate better with him
 It Helps  It Helps
I have yet to use this in a real-life instance, but I have tested this thing in my house speaking into it for the last few weeks now, and it's a riot! I have been taking Japanese lessons for over 2 years now, and this translator has made me extremely confident now that I know if I take this with me, I can still have a conversation with someone non-English speaking even if I'm not fluent in their native language!