• 17.99
Overall Rating 4.9   76
Sono un appassionato di fotografia e spesso uso la reflex non solo per passione ma anche sui cantieri per lavoro. Per proteggere le lenti delle ottiche migliori, ho deciso di testare questa lente UV a bassisima riflettenza, che permette di proteggere il vetro anteriore degli obiettivi dalla polvere e da eventuali schizzi, ma anche da urti fortuiti leggeri che potrebbero altrimenti rigare la lente originale.

Il filtro che ho preso è da 72mm ed è perfetto sul mio tamron 17-50 2.8 che uso moltissimo.
Arriva in una scatolina di cartone dentro la quale c'è un box semi-rigido che contiene a sua volta il filtro e anche un tappo da 72mm davvero ben fatto e dotato di laccetto da polso arancione, anch'esso ben realizzato e comodo per avere il tappo sempre a portata di mano.
Il kit è completato da una pezzetta in microfibra per la pulizia delle lenti.

La cornice della lente è di alluminio verniciata molto bene. Ottimo il feeling del materiale e perfetta la filettatura. La risposta sulle foto è ottima: non altera i colori e non crea problemi di messa a fuoco, garantendo una maggiore protezione della lente principale della mia ottica.
Lo reputo un buon acquisto per avere maggiore protezione sulle ottiche importanti, soprattutto se usate in contesti "a rischio". Prodotto ben fatto ed a un prezzo perfettamente in linea con la qualità generale del prodotto: inoltre con l'acquisto si ha un tappo di riserva, davvero ottimo per conservare quelli originali e stare senza pensieri.
Ottimo per proteggere le ottiche da graffi fortuiti e polvere. Ottimo per proteggere le ottiche da graffi fortuiti e polvere. Ottimo per proteggere le ottiche da graffi fortuiti e polvere. Ottimo per proteggere le ottiche da graffi fortuiti e polvere. Ottimo per proteggere le ottiche da graffi fortuiti e polvere. Ottimo per proteggere le ottiche da graffi fortuiti e polvere.
I tested this K&F Concept 52mm UV Filter
Here's what I found...

UV blocking ilters protect lenses from dirt and damage (and stop colour shifts if you still shoot film)- but they can also reduce image quality - so I test all new filters and reject some.

How did I test it?
[1] Colour shift - I used a set white balance and looked for colour shifts with and without the filter in place on a Nikon DSLR with a prime lens set to its highest quality setting (100asa and F8) both inside with artificial light and outside in sunlight.
[2] vignetting - I looked at the edge of the image for any additional shadows with and without the filter
[3] flare and contrast- I photographed lightbulbs and the sun between tree branches with and without the filter
[4] distortion - I photographed a newspaper page with and without the filter

Pros ✅ Viewed on a retina laptop screen I could see no differences except in contrast. This turned out to be the effect of NOT using the correct lens hood. Basically - and side lighting can catch glass and cause reflections. Internal reflections are what photographer call "veiling flare" and this kills contrast. As the filter makes the first glass surface of the lens much less recessed (and so more visible) it risks vcausing eiling flare.
This happens with any lens - and the solution is to fit and use a lens hood whenever possible.

Cons ❌ none in "real world use". As with all filters, when I went to 800% image size there was a slight loss of resolution, but for my standard HDTV use or printing to 8x6inch size this was "invisible".

The only difference I could see over the classic "Hoya" filters was that the filter ring is thinner and so better to use on a wide-angle lens. There is a cost to this however, as the light weight of this filter tells me it is made of aluminium and so is easier to bend than say the brass ring filters from B&W (which cost way, way more!) - so the moral of this is to leave the filter on the lens - or protect it in a rigid lens case if you take it off. And there you get a good snap closing filter box in the pack - along with some useful additional accessories.

OVERALL - I like this - and would be happy to get it again. Unless you are ready to pay the £50 plus for the brass-made B&W filters, these seem to be as good as any other but at a lower price.

Delivery was quick - it came the next day which is great service.
I tested this on a DSLR - here's what I found I tested this on a DSLR - here's what I found I tested this on a DSLR - here's what I found I tested this on a DSLR - here's what I found I tested this on a DSLR - here's what I found I tested this on a DSLR - here's what I found
I needed a UV protective filter for a new lens, so I picked up this K&F Concept 72mm MCUV Lens Protection Filter with Lens Cap. K&F is a brand I really like for reasonably priced filters. The other K&F filters I have are all very sharp and do not introduce any visual anomalies into my photographs. However, the extremely low price of this filter made me wonder if corners might have been cut. As far as I can tell, based on limited use, that is not the case. The filter uses AGC glass with 18 layer multi-coating, and all the shots I have taken with it on the lens are sharp and clear. I like the deeply knurled edge that makes it easy to grip even though it is very thin, and the filter threads on smoothly. I also like that it comes with a lens cap, a lanyard, and a cleaning cloth. It is a very nice package and a great value. If I notice any issues as I use it more, I will update this review.
Appears to Be a Quality Filter Appears to Be a Quality Filter
Feel so much better having an extra layer of protection on the glass. Fit was perfect and lens cap is top notch with no bump-opens like my Canon did regularly. Will definitely look to K&F for future filter needs.
This is a nice set that works well with my Tamron lens with a 67mm filter. It screws on easily and provides additional protection at a reasonable price. It comes with a lens cap and tether which is handy. A nice UV filter that does the job well!
The 'K&F Concept 67mm UV Filter Ultra Slim Japan Optics Multi Coated Ultraviolet Protection Lens Filter with Lens Cap' arrived in a branded box.

The lens is in a plastic case for protection, it also serves to protect one side of the filter, whilst the opposite side is protected by the lens cap.

The filter was an easy fit to my Nikon P900 and as it is slightly wider than some filters I found it easy to unscrew after use. I would however recommend carrying a suitable filter wrench just in case.

It would be nice to see a cover for the side of the filter not protected by the lens cap a the lens filter with cap attached are stored in a cellophane envelope in the case, I suggest putting the filter/cap combination into the envelope with the lens cap the same side as the flap which keeps the adhesive as far away from the lens as possible.

It would be nice to see a protective cover for the second side of the filter, maybe something push on.
Fits a Nikon P900. Fits a Nikon P900. Fits a Nikon P900. Fits a Nikon P900. Fits a Nikon P900. Fits a Nikon P900. Fits a Nikon P900. Fits a Nikon P900.
When I first received the item, I thought I ordered the wrong one as you can see ... the first thing I saw was a lens cap! Lo and behold its actually an included lens cap and then more. Theres also a lanyard that is supposed to thread around the lens cap, and then a lens cloth too. I've had a few other K&F Concept lens cap, and filters ... simply becaus they are worth the money.
At the priced asked for, I cannot complain much. Looking at the filter against the back background of the filter, I certainly see it is coated. To be honest I think every lens needs a basic filter, if only to keep out the dust/smudges besides the knock. Better to damage the cheapish filter than the primary lens.
I don't see any issues looking through it, and taking pictures. So good enough for me... and now I have a spare lens cap already in case I lose the original.

So this is just slightly more than K&F CONCEPT Basic's non-coated fliter. I think the choice on which to choose is easy enough.
Excellent value for money. Excellent value for money. Excellent value for money. Excellent value for money. Excellent value for money.
K&F have yet to put a foot wrong in my book and this is no exception.
Optically clear and well machined, this makes a perfect everyday filter and lens protector with the added benefit of being supplied with a lens cap.

UV filters are the foot soldiers of the filter world, unsung heroes that have saved many a lens from expensive repair, all lenses deserve one and you won't go far wrong ordering this.
Very much fit and forget Very much fit and forget Very much fit and forget
I recently purchased a new lens for my dlsr. The first thing I do when I get a new lens is protect it with a clear, UV filter. I was very surprised to find that this filter came with a lens cap and a cleaning cloth!
The filter screws in perfectly and the glass is extremely clear! I've had filters that added a haze to the photos, but this one seems to be of much higher quality as those junk Tiffen's brand.
These will always stay on my lens unless they crack or haze up, which I don't foresee happening any time soon. A great filter to add to any lens. I am becoming a big fan of the K&F brand!!!
En 49mm, le filtre est parfaitement adapté au Fujifilm X100 V/VI (à condition d'avoir un porte-filtre adapté , bien sûr).

Il m'a semblé de très bonne qualité et est fourni avec une dragonne et un capuchon de protection, qui tombera à pic puisque le capuchon d'objectif d'origine de ces appareils ne tient pas avec un filtre.

Personnellement, je laisse toujours un filtre UV à demeure, ne serait-ce que comme mesure de protection de l'objectif.