77mm ND4-ND64 (2-6 Stop) Variable ND Filter and CPL Circular Polarizing Filter 2 in 1 with 28 Layers of Anti-reflection Green Film, Two Orange Levers, Nano-Xcel Series
SKU: KF01.1917
I'm thrilled ... I think the combination of ND and polarizing filters is brilliant; the brand and this idea made me buy it. the polarizing filter works perfectly Well - I would buy it again; Especially with water photography, this filter serves two purposes, which triggers some fascination in me
use the neutral density filter for my nature photography and landscape photography. Especially when photographing rivers, lakes or waterfalls, this filter, thanks to its variable darkening from ND2 - ND64, offers an extension of the shutter speed, which creates motion blur, which looks very nice with watercourses. In addition to the ND filter, there is a second filter function, a CPL polarization filter. This is very practical when photographing water, lakes and streams, as reflections can be compensated for at the same time. The processing quality is very good, even with maximum darkening of ND64, the unwanted X effect does not occur. The inexpensive filter shows good imaging properties in all areas and is ideal for ambitious and creative amateur photographers
The metal, variable ND filter helps with long exposures and manages to reduce a few steps. For recordings that are not shot in direct sunlight, it is sufficient, for example, to smooth out water. The processing is top and you can get nice pictures with it. Including cleaning cloth - and super case in which the ND filter is not damaged. (If you don't know: the diameter of your lens is written directly on your lens). The filter is also perfect for adhering to the 180掳 shutter rule when filming with DSLR /DSLM. We are convinced! Simply screw on the ND filter - done! The protective cap from the lens also fits on it :)
Really excellent build quality. It turns out to be robust, with excellent materials. Super recommended, also because a CPL in combo with a variable ND is really affordable at this price.
The CPL+ND filter does exactly what it promises. It helps reduce glare on windows, protects the camera lens, and adds some enhancement through saturation. Compared to some of my other CPL filters, they have slightly more saturation improvements than other filters. I hardly experienced any vignetting. All in all a good price for an ND filter & CPL filter.
The construction and image quality that this one has given me compel me to recommend it. Good quality glass and really good construction.
Replaces a system type Lee filter when you need to adjust its ND filter to a reduction in brightness during a longer break. Polarization is a plus that works well
Great piece for landscape photography. Variable ND without "shadow cross", clean in both areas. The polarizing filter works great, and if it gets too bright you'll love the ND, stepless control. Used on FZ200.
I use the filter on a Tokina 12-24mm wide angle and on a Canon 18-135mm. The polarizing filter and ND filter does what it should. The filter comes in a padded plastic transport box, which is perfectly suitable for safe transport.
This was one of the best purchases I've made in recent times and I have no hesitation in recommending it, particularly to travel photographers who advocate carrying as little camera gear as possible. Filters are one of the accessory sets that I always carry with me as they are essential to my landscape photography. My first impression of the filters was the beautiful packaging they arrive in. They come in a hard cardboard box, with the filter itself housed in a hard plastic sleeve inside the box. The frames of all filters, with the exception of the circular polarizing filter, are made of aluminum alloy. Despite being very slim in design, they sure feel rigid without really flexing even when forced. The glass itself on all filters is coated optical glass (to reduce reflections) that is waterproof and scratch resistant. Overall, all filters performed very well. With the CPL you can see a boost in the blue in the sky. There is a very slight vignette in the top left corner, but this is minor enough to be easily removed in post-production, as you can already see in my images. The ND filter worked very well with no color cast or vignetting. An undesired X effect does not occur. In summary, the image quality is excellent and the added benefit of using just one filter and adjusting the gradient without having to stack filters is really useful. Overall the look, feel and performance of these filters are top notch, but they are also affordable.