Great product Could be improved by allowing frames and some adapter rings to fit in the bag.
perfect accessory for carrying K&F filters. The filter holder bag is very convenient and the lid design gives you great security when it comes to carrying the filters in your backpack and the hook on the back allows you to hang on the tripod, which makes accessing the filters very convenient. It is only valid for carrying 100x100 filters, so graduated filters must be carried separately.
bought this ND filter set as I had a great experience with K&F (their tripod is brilliant) and was looking for a system that would work with all my lenses. Firstly the quality of the packaging and storage is extremely high, the glass comes in its own case which keeps it clean and safe. Second, it's very easy to set up and use (a little tricky if you're cold) and third, the image quality is great, there's no color printing (the colors you see in the images above are my edit, not the fault of the ND filter) and it allowed me to blur the water and clouds in the middle of the day.
Put off by the price of Lee filters and holders I decided to try the K&F kit. The quality of manufacture and packaging feels premium and with the Reverse Grad ND filter designed for morning landscapes, I haven't noticed any ill effects on my Nikon D750 images. The filter storage boxes are great. Just make sure you store the filter in the fabric to avoid scratching. The filter holder is beautifully made and finished and unlike one reviewer I had no concerns about how well the filter was held. The full set of adapter rings included in the price makes this a great value when using a range of lenses and a range of filters.
am a photographer and also do landscape design on my travels. Over the years I've been able to try and test filters of different brands and qualities. Of course, the quality has its price and from this point of view the k&f has never disappointed me. It is the brand with the best value for money in the filter industry. I have to try this filter for long exposures and it's one of the most valid I've seen. The glass is of excellent quality and results in no loss of sharpness points in its specially protected leatherette package. Has nothing to envy to better-known and more expensive brands. I emphasize that I did not notice any color dominants or strange aberrations. Adding an unmatched price, it remains only to recommend this filter.
My photos often show running water in the rainforest. Due to its fair price compared to the Nisi, it's perfect for the adventurous traveler that I am ;-)