Cheap and brilliant
I bought this awhile ago and tried it out and it was pinging all over the place so I immediately thought it was pants. I watched a video on YouTube which was this model this metal detector and as soon as he tuned it on he turned the sensitivity down to 3/4 bars and it work great, so I decided to give it another go and when to a park, banged it down to 3 bars and the constant beeping was gone walk a little bit and got a nice mid tone sound so I decided to dig it.... it was only a gold ring about 10cm deep I so happy sold it for £35 2.5gs of gold which pretty much got half my money bk already I've also found cans, screws ,27p and a toy car honestly you will probably dig up everything because some things sound like other things but I works great for the money especially compared to the one at 100 to 150 price range,the battery last about 6 hours,the pinpointer works good and its light enough,the spade is OK my honest review is if you don't have £100 upwards this is a perfect bit of kit
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