if it is your first tripod highly recommended
The media could not be loaded. Excellent quality product and good design, it comes with a medium-quality transport bag and a carry bag, it comes in a box. The tripod measures about 42 cm when closed for transport and the minimum height is about 56 cm, its maximum height 1.70 cm At a higher height, less stability, I recommend a counterweight to keep it stable and not raise the ball, because with more weight it could fall. Even though it is tight, it can fall. In addition, the maximum weight supported is 10 kilos. Keep in mind that you should always put 2 kilos less on it to prevent it from falling. fall or break due to the weight. If it is your first tripod, it is worth taking care with the wheels and not tightening them too much because they could break if you turn when you arrive and not tighten it, the rubber bands on the legs will wear out over time so don't You will be surprised when they break, even so, the model is quite good and I consider it to be in the middle of its longest, largest and most expensive 2-meter model and its 1.30 m model, which is the smallest, this is in the middle, its weight is 1,690 aluminum I highly recommend it but keep in mind that it will wear out because each joint where the balls are will wear out from use, it is only an observation. I highly recommend it.