Exceeded expectations.
Not bad, not bad at all! Although this is a "golf" range finder, I will admit that I use it for hunting and for zeroing my handgun/rifle, both of which are critical to being able to judge distance. There are already many great reviews for this product related to golf so hopefully I can shed some light on another context where this tool can be useful. This tool is an absolute gem. I took it out of the box and took it straight to the firing range of one of my rifles at 50 yards. However, since my particular area didn't have milestone markers showing the various distances, most people would have to pay attention and guess what's not ideal, especially if you want an accurate zero point. It does, however, feature a cone marker at 200 yards. So I used the range finder to check the marker at 200 yards and I was absolutely right! It was 202 yards, but who's complaining? Used the range finder at 50 yards so I could set a target and zero in my optics. Now the rule of thumb of ballistic math is that with a 50 yard zero I should be roughly able to hit a 200 yard zero in the bullet's down arc, so I aimed square at the target 200 yards away and fired 5 shots from . I was able to fire all five shots within 5" of the aiming point, which is beyond phenomenal. This tool is very accurate and for the affordable price it seems to rival some of the higher quality rangefinders on the market. I've been using it very frequently for about 2 months now and haven't had any problems or complaints so far. It's a great purchase and I recommend it. Their customer service seems friendly and helpful should you have any problems, which is always a plus.
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