Yongnuo 50mm F/1.8 AF/MF on Sony Alpha 7II - no prestige, but great performance
First of all: As a hobby photographer, I use the Canon clone with a Commlite AF adapter on my Sony A7II: + Haptics: small, light (117g), short + Processing: ugly, all plastic + Performance: Rapid AF and AF-C (although adapted !) + Optical performance: With an open aperture max. 1.8 nice sharpness, bokeh very creamy (I like that, it's always a matter of taste). Also sharp when stopped down to F/5.7 in the landscape shot. Minimal edge drop, only CAS (chromatic aberrations) were recognizable (see photo transition sky - mountain). Attached are sample images (Jpeg out-of-cam), I quickly cropped the balcony shot to check. So, and now butter on the fish: I paid a ridiculous 100€ for the lens and got a really great optic for it. I analyzed the images in the LR and with my other lenses from Zeiss et al. compared. Conclusion: I can warmly recommend the longest focal length, which doesn't need to hide, to everyone! Especially those who place little value on "Zeiss ect. Prestige", but are simply looking for a very light, small and good 50mm fixed focal length. I just ordered the lens out of curiosity, but it will still have a permanent place next to my camera.
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