Great result
I bought this filter to remove the reflections on cars and/or water. When taking photos, this often gives a great effect. The filter does exactly what it is supposed to do, as you can see from the example images, the reflections are almost completely gone. In comparison I didn't notice any color changes or anything similar to other filters. I'm also super satisfied with the image quality. Of course, it cannot be compared to a €100 (or more) filter. But if you consider the price, this is a super price-performance ratio. The filter is slightly stiff to turn, which is also good because it stays in the position you have set. When changing from landscape to portrait format, you have to turn the filter again to remove the reflection. A little tip at the end: turn the filter counterclockwise, so it can be adjusted better and does not unscrew. Because if you turn in the other direction, there is a risk that you will unscrew the filter as well.
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