Durable and professional, but a bit tricky to disassemble and convert to monopod
Bought this one because my old tripod is flimsy and at the end of its days. This tripod was pretty expensive so I debated for a while, but I really needed a sturdy professional tripod that I could take outdoors for shoots. It came with a nice shoulder bag so perfect for bringing outside, and it's not too heavy. I'd say even though the price is a little high, it's pretty worth it since the material is durable and you know it definitely won't break easily (unlike my old tripod...).
I bought this specific model so that I could convert it to a monopod at times, which is useful. However, it does take a while (and some thinking) to disassemble and convert to a monopod... it's not as easy as you think, so read the manual! There are so many different functions on this tripod so it was just a bit overwhelming. This was probably more so because I've never had a professional tripod before, just one of those quick and lightweight collapsible ones.
Overall, if you're looking for a durable, steady, and professional tripod this one's a good option. It'll definitely last more than a few years, unlike those flimsy collapsible tripods.
I bought this specific model so that I could convert it to a monopod at times, which is useful. However, it does take a while (and some thinking) to disassemble and convert to a monopod... it's not as easy as you think, so read the manual! There are so many different functions on this tripod so it was just a bit overwhelming. This was probably more so because I've never had a professional tripod before, just one of those quick and lightweight collapsible ones.
Overall, if you're looking for a durable, steady, and professional tripod this one's a good option. It'll definitely last more than a few years, unlike those flimsy collapsible tripods.