Good camera with solar power
I've been using the camera for a few weeks now and I'm quite satisfied. The solar panel supplies the battery with enough power. In my case, the solar panel is not exposed directly to the sun or only for a short time and the battery is still 100%.
The image quality is sufficient and the night vision is good for 2-3m. The motion detection works, but could trigger a little faster.
Unfortunately, the management of the recordings only works via the CloudEge app. Therefore, the camera cannot be integrated into any other systems. Anyone who can live with that and has no power supply available at the camera location is well served with the camera.
The image quality is sufficient and the night vision is good for 2-3m. The motion detection works, but could trigger a little faster.
Unfortunately, the management of the recordings only works via the CloudEge app. Therefore, the camera cannot be integrated into any other systems. Anyone who can live with that and has no power supply available at the camera location is well served with the camera.
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