Great value!!
I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this tripod for the price I paid. It's very compact and light, and came in a carry bag, so perfect to take on your travels. It's also very easy to set up and adjust the height, angle and tilt to your liking. It's quite sturdy in normal conditions, but probably wouldn't be best in when windy as it can topple over easily since it's so light (especially if extended to its full height). The handles to adjust angles and height are made of plastic, giving the advantage of lightness, but it also means that it may not be durable with a lot of force and rough use. But it's great for simple, everyday use! Especially for photos and filming on your phone (the grip is super tight and reliable!). I've been using it for filming on my Samsung Galaxy 7 and it meets my needs perfectly (including being able to switch easily between vertical and horizontal shooting). The item arrived very fast too - 3 days after ordering!